Individual lesson

Come and enhance your equestrian skills with us.

  • Suitable for beginners and advanced riders alike.
  • Under the guidance of an instructor.
  • Fundamentals of horse control, as well as dressage and show jumping.
  • Preparation for competitions.
  • The price includes the rental of the following equipment:

    • Riding helmet
    • Riding crop
    • Safety vest for children.
  • Doporučené vlastní vybavení: Viz bod 3. Provozního řádu.
  • Cena: 750 Kč / 60 minut
  •            500 Kč / 30 minut (pro děti do 10 let)
    Lekce na vlastním či pronajatém koni: 400 Kč / 60 minut 
    Individual lesson in English:                  950 Kč / 60 minutes 

  • Na lekci je možné využít permanentku s doplatkem 150 Kč.

  • Objednávka